ACE Return is a highly specialized solution that caters to the specific needs of businesses requiring reliable delivery and return of the same goods. This includes ATA Carnet shipments, exhibition goods, commercial demo items, event equipment, and professional equipment used as tools of trade. This unique service provides a seamless return journey to destination, and reliable return of the same goods post-use.
We recognize the importance of timely and efficient delivery in the business world, which is why ACE Return is designed to provide complete visibility and control at every stage of the shipment’s journey. Our meticulous approach ensures that the desired destination delivery time slot is met, and prompt pick-up arrangements are made after the shipment has been used.
ACE Return is underpinned by a deep commitment to consultation and collaboration with our clients. Prior to the origin export of shipments, we engage in a comprehensive consultation process to discuss and address any logistics complexities or Customs challenges that may arise before the fact.